APG2009 忍者演員訓練工作坊The Unchosen Actor ( "Ninja" Actor)

日期/Date:2009/08/05~07 (Wed. ~ Fri.)


地點/Venue:牯嶺街小劇場Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre


地址:台北市中正區牯嶺街 5 巷 2 號 電話: 886-2-2391-9393

牯嶺街小劇場連結: http://www.glt.org.tw/


Address: No.2, Lane 5, Guling St., Zhongzheng District, Taipei City
TEL : (02) 2391-9393 Website:http://www.glt.org.tw/




Walk from MRT J.K.S. Memorial hall(line:dan-shi) exit no.2,take about 15min.


工作坊 About the workshop:


主題:未被選定角色的演員 (忍者演員)

Workshop Topic: The Unchosen Actor ( "Ninja" Actor)




Workshop description:

We will practice to make choices as the"Ninja"actor, the unchosen actor. When you are not chosen for a specific role in a story ,there are many possibilities. You can add an essential character or an element. You can bring background atmosphere. You can create the social dimension. We will explore the choices such as :when is the right time to be on stage, how to support the other actors without distracting them, without overwhelming the scene. You will aware the potential contributions to be made from Ninja roles.



Facilitator:Kayo Munakata



Kayo Munakata 於1995年畢業於紐約一人一故事學校,致力於一人一故事的推廣,於日本創立 AZ一人一故事劇團以及日本一人一故事學校,亦於大學、各社團、政府部門從事演出與教育訓練的工作。

Facilitator 's Personal Curriculum Vitae:

Kayo discovered playback theatre as an innovative method for cooperate

training. She graduated from the School of Playback Theatre, NY,at 1995,

being the first Japanese national to do so, and founded PLAYBACKAZ as well

as School of Playback Theatre Japan. She performs as well as trains in

colleges, corporations and government.


關於日本 AZ一人一故事劇團:

成立於1994年,是日本卓越的一人一故事劇團,每年有超過30 場針對不同族群的演出。演員關注於劇場、教育、醫學與社會運動等層面。AZ以深度的同理心及敏感度著稱,常受邀至學校、政府單位、各組織演出以及帶領訓練。並於2003年主辦國際一人一故事聚會。





Founded in 1994, PLAYBACK AZ is a prominent playback theatre company in Japan. They produce over 30 performances a year for a wide variety of social causes and venues. The actors have interests in theatre, education, medicine and social activism. The company is known for its capacity for deep empathy and sensitivity. They are often invited by schools, government, and organization for training and performances. In 2003, they successfully hosted the IPTN world conference.



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