Aug 8th, 2009! Asia Playback Gathering in Taiwan


APG in Taiwan Aug 8th, 2009!


一人一故事劇場因為有你、有我、有她和他的投入,得以在世界各地持續發展與茁壯。一一擬爾劇團(台灣)抱著辦事的心情,希望集結大亞洲區的一人一故事劇場夥伴們,將於2009年8月8日至10日舉辦「2009年一人一故事劇場亞洲聚會」(Asian Playback Gathering 2009,簡稱APG2009),邀請您帶著悅的心,來聊聊彼此的故事,藉由經驗交流一同學習玩樂,串起亞洲的故事紅線。並於8月5日至7日另有會前大師工作坊提供深度學習。


Happiness comes when happy hearts meet…

Playback Theatre continuously grows around the globe, all from your participation. With a joyful heart, Even Nearer Theatre (Taiwan) happily invites all playbackers and teams in Aisa to come and join the Asia Playback Gathering 2009 (APG 2009) in Taiwan, August 8th ~ 10th. With a playful heart, come tell your stories, share your experience, and have lots of fun. Let's line up stories throughout Asia. Additionally from Aug 5th to 7th, workshops by playback masters will be offered for your advance learning.

Sincere invitation to Taiwan for a heartful feast of Playback. Let's Watch!

一一擬爾劇團 Even Nearer Theatre

林淑玲 Josephine Lin


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